[Sandy Shores] Revamped Staff Guidelines



Last Updated: 5/4/2023  (izzy is pro)


Salutations! Welcome to the Moderation Team of Sandy Shores, the entire team welcomes you. These guidelines are meant for Moderation Team usage only. If you share this confidential document with anyone outside of the team you will be demoted and blacklisted. Please keep in mind that if you are blacklisted you will not be able to reapply for a position here on the team in the future!

Please check pins in every staff channel in case you need more coverage about a certain topic. If you have any questions regarding these guidelines, please feel free to forward them to anyone on the High-Rank team! We wish you the utmost luck, and we look forward to the new Trial Moderators’ employment on our team!

If these guidelines didn’t answer any of your questions or you’re still curious about something do not hesitate to open a ticket & speak with a higher up or ping them within staff chat


General Information
The following subtitles of topics are each different aspects of information within the Moderation Team. These various subtitles go over the following… Weekly Staff Requirements, Command Usages, Leave of Absences, Trello Bans, Ticket Usage, Professionalism, Ban Appeals, Promotions, Leaking, and lastly the Chain of Command. These guidelines only cover a general insight about our policies that we expect you to follow. If you acquire more detail about a certain topic, please ask a Senior Administrator or higher. To be notified about updates within Staff Guidelines please check #staff-announcements.

You must be godded while on the staff team.
There is a maximum of four [4] people that can be on the staff team at any one time.

Weekly Staff Requirements


Moderation Team members such as Trial Moderators, Moderators must complete a total of 6 hours (360 minutes) or more in-game & 10 tickets WEEKLY. Senior Moderators must complete a total of 5 hours (300 minutes) & 10 tickets WEEKLY. Administrators must complete a total of 4 hours (240 Minutes). Senior Administrators must complete a total of 3 hours (180 minutes) WEEKLY. On top of this, we expect every rank below Administrators to do a weekly quota of 10 tickets. However, if you are unable to do 10 tickets that said week you may do an extra hour of patrolling. If you are unable to do both of the following tasks expected of you, then you need to put in a LOA Request to avoid being striked. However, this cannot be a commonly occurring situation. It can lower your chances of a promotion and it can affect your role on the Moderation Team. All of your patrol-logs and ticket-logs must be in by Sunday at 2 PM EST. After 2 all logs will be counted for the upcoming week. You are also required to have more than 0 minutes by 12am EST on Friday.

Moderation Command Usage

When you join the game you are only allowed to use your commands on the Server Staff team. If you are caught using commands on any other team in the server you will be demoted. However, if you see an exploiter in-game or any situation that is in desiring need of a Moderator with no other Moderator on the team in-game, then you may use your commands off-team to deal with that specific situation. Please utilize your commands properly while you are in Sandy Shores. Any commands that have nothing to do with moderation such as “shrek”, “size”, “hat” will result in a demotion from your position. Depending on the severity of the abuse of the command you executed you can be blacklisted from ever joining our team again. We take command usage very seriously. So we expect you to use commands wisely… If you do not know what a command does please ask a fellow colleague. If you both are unfamiliar with the command usage it is best to leave the command alone! If you wish to Permanently Ban someone and you aren’t a Senior Moderator, you would have to request a Ban in #ban-request following the correct format for it, otherwise, your request will be dismissed.

                                                                                                                   Leave Of Absence / LOA 

If you plan on going offline from Discord and the gaming platform of ROBLOX for more than three days, you are expected to submit a Leave of Absence. However, if you are caught playing ROBLOX while on LOA you will be striked. If you wish to request a Leave of Absence please use the link in #Staff-information (or go here). When you want to get off of the LOA you may contact an Administrator or higher. The longest time you can go on Leave of Absence would be a maximum of one week (however that can change given your circumstances). You do not have to share the reason for your LOA if you want to keep it private, we will understand. However, your Leave of Absence will not be approved if you are using the same excuses continuously throughout your employment on the Moderation Team.

 Permanent Bans 

Any Senior Moderator or higher can Permanently Ban a player in-game. But if you are a Moderator or Trial Moderator who cannot Ban in the server a Senior Moderator+ will react with an emoji such as a check when your request is read. However, if your request is denied it will have a reaction as an “X” as the emoji. If the player you are trying to ban is causing a big disruption of any other players’ experience on the server you may ban them as you wait for your request to be checked or fixed by you.

Ban Request Format //  

Offenders Username:

 Reason: Statement:


 Ping: (Any Senior Moderator+ if urgent.)

                                                                                                                                           Ticket Usage 

Tickets are utilized for server members to communicate with Moderators privately. Tickets are used for multiple reasons. Such as ban appeals, ban information, and general support. All Moderation Team members can view and talk in each support ticket that is generated by a server member. However, you must follow certain procedures in order to answer or respond to tickets appropriately. When a ticket is generated it pings all Moderators online. The first Moderator to respond to the ticket automatically claims that support ticket. The person who now claimed it has the right to add or remove any member including Moderator Team members. They can also approve or decline your “PTS?” request which is short for “Permission to Speak?”. Administrators+ can bypass that specific procedure, however, they are only to bypass it in a serious situation. You should only request for “PTS” when you believe that is necessary to assist the Moderator. Failing to abide by the “PTS” policy will result as a consequence depending on the severity. For command usage of the Ticket Bot, please use “$help”, and it will send you commands. It is required that you use grammar while responding to tickets or you will be striked.


Being a Moderation Team member does not exempt you from the rules that our community members have to follow. You are still expected to follow rules in our communications server and game servers. In order for players to notice a member of the Moderation Team, it is expected that you wear the “Staff Vest” while in any server. We should not be able to see any shirt while you are on the “Staff Team”. Your pants are fine to wear as long as they are appropriate and abide by ROBLOX TOS. We also expect that your username and display name is appropriate while being employed on the Moderation Team. Grammar is also required in all Sandy Shores-owned and operated games. You must also use grammar in any public channels that community members can see your chat in. Failure to abide by the grammar policies will result in a strike. You are only allowed a grace of a couple of strikes until you are demoted, please keep in mind that strikes reset occasionally but rarely. If you do not agree with a strike you may provide your reasoning to any member of the High-Rank team.

                                                                                        Building Tools / F3X


Staff Members that are granted permission to use BTOOLS are Moderators. This is in place to prevent Trial Moderators who are fresh to the team from abusing or deleting something that shouldn’t be deleted.

BTOOLS should be used for the following reasons

↳ Delete a vehicle that’s left in the road

↳ Delete a object that someone has gotten their vehicle stuck in

↳ Turn off collision’s to a particular object

↳ To set up a scene or Roleplay | Administrator +

BTOOLS shouldn’t be used for the following reasons

↳ Delete a building such as Bank, UTOOL or major areas

↳  Add light to a area, simply use the :light command

↳ Deleting a player or removing accessories from a player

Please remember that when you delete something with BTOOLS, most likely it cannot be undone so be CAREFUL. If you abuse BTOOLS in any kind of way it can result in an automatic Termination from the staff team.


Peacetime Usage


If the server starts to get to hectic to a point that a Staff Member cannot perform his or her duties, you may enable something called “Peace Time”

Peacetime is something we use to stop all players from shooting, killing or causing priority callouts such as pursuits, kidnappings or shootouts. Down below will be listed how to enable peacetime & how to successfully disable it.

Enabling Peacetime

↳ :pt on OR /pt on

↳ :cd 300 - 400

↳ :n Peacetime is now enabled! Shooting or causing Priority Callouts will result in an automatic Kickwarn for Violation Of Peacetime.

Disabling Peacetime

↳ :pt off OR /pt off

:n Peacetime is now Disabled,You may resume your roleplays!

When enabling peacetime make sure that you’re not setting a CountDown for over 400 Seconds. Yes our goal is to calm the server but we do not want to completely make the server die by restricting role plays with peacetime.

Remember this command can be used by Moderator+

                                                                                                    Ban Appeals


Sandy Shores allows people to appeal their In-game bans through a ticket system, these tickets are usually handled by Senior Moderators+. Down below will list a few Questions & Answers / FAQ for staff members who are genuinely confused about our ban appeal system.

What do I do when someone is banned, but it’s logged in Bloxban?

 Ask for their ROBLOX username.

↳ Go onto our Ban Management on Bloxban, and use the “Ban List” feature for their username.

↳ Copy and paste the exact Username into the Search Bar

↳ View the reason on why they got Banned & any Moderation Notes.

 Copy & paste the ban appeal format, and have them fill it out and send it back.

↳ Review their appeal, and determine whether or not you’d unban them.

What do I do when someone is banned, but it’s not logged in #ban-proof?

They most likely were Server Banned or the Staff Member didn’t log it. If they were server banned, tell them that their ban is only temporary & will end once the server restarts.

If the ban isn’t logged in #ban-proof but they’re banned in Bloxban, ping the Staff Member who banned them & ask for proof. If they fail to provide proof the community member may be unbanned depending on the reason.


Promotions are every two weeks for any Trial Moderator that has recently joined the Moderation Team. If you are a Moderator interested in being a Senior Moderator, you must show dedication and preciseness in dealing with situations. You should also remain active and continue to support the community. This is because we want the best of the best on our Middle-Rank Team. Those who show all of the above and go above and beyond what is expected will be promoted within a month of their employment time at Sandy Shores. Senior Moderators interested in being an Administrator will be a tougher concept, as there will be multiple people with plenty of experience and good traits/skills as all of our Senior Moderators are talented. Promotions are discussed between the Creator and Managers of Sandy Shores. However, Administrators and Senior Moderators can discuss demotions within the Moderation Team. Any community member that has bought the role of “VIP” must contact an Administrator in order to be ranked.


As being a part of a Moderation Team, things must be kept private between members of the team. With that being said, you are not allowed to leak any information relating to the team. This means that you cannot share screenshots of staff conversations, share information over voice calls, etc. If you mention a staff channel that others cannot see, this would be considered leaking as well. Senior Moderators and Administrators both have extra privileges and information that not everyone on the Moderation Team has. This means that sometimes they will not be able to give you information on certain topics as you wish. We take leaking seriously, and you will be demoted and blacklisted from Sandy Shores if caught leaking information to a community member.

                                                                                          Chain Of Command

Down below is the Chain of Command to explain how we label contact points. Priority Contact would be the most urgent contact label. And Lowest Contact would be anything such as a general question. Please go up the Chain A through Z before jumping to Direct Messages with the Creator or Manager.



Priority Contact

Community Manager


Priority Contact



Priority Contact

Senior Administrator


Medium Contact



Medium Contact

 Senior Moderator


Lowest Contact

Confidential Guidelines Created By,
Sandy Shores High-Rank Team